Our dried leeches were stored in cold storage in appropriate quality and temperature.
Buys and sells tamarind without seeds. Buys in high prices, sells in low prices.
Sells tamarinds with seeds, ripe sour tamarinds, and meat tamarinds at Home Commerce Shop.
Distribute dried leeches the both of retail and wholesale, in country and outboard.
Home Commerce Shop buys and sells dried leeches in Thailand.
Sells meat tamarinds, sour tamarinds, and tamarinds without seeds at Home Commerce Shop.
Sells dried darthworms in cheap and we collect from best gene of earthworms.
Sells and buys the Thai ripe tamarind that is sour and mellow suit for cook in your home.
Home Commerce Shop in Nakhon Phanom would like to buy and sell ripe tamarind.