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Rare Antique Wood

Category: Furniture
Place of Origin: Ayutthaya
Brand: -
Napas Texture
Fax:   +66 35-435069
Mobile:   +66 86-3018568 (คุณนภัส), +66 92-2754566 (คุณรวิพล)
Rare Antique Wood. Wood surface texture made from new wood is a antique wood with a special technique.

Rare Antique Wood

Rare Antique Wood. Wood surface texture made from new wood is a antique wood with a special technique. We specialize in making new wood texture becomes old. Look like antique wood. We have special technic to make new wood texture looks old. Our skilled carpenters can change the texture of new wood to look old naturally. Suitable for making furniture, decorative items and more ... Our antique wood that we created has modern style. It can be applied to multi-task such as interior, door frame, antique furniture etc.

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Level 2 Saller
Address: 11 Moo 4, Moddeang, Sriprachan, Suphanburi, 72140 Thailand
Fax:   +66 35-435069
Mobile:   +66 86-3018568 (คุณนภัส), +66 92-2754566 (คุณรวิพล)
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