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Thermometer High Speed MT 200

Category: Medical Equipment
Place of Origin: Bangkok
Brand: Health Care
Mrs.Heath Care
Phone:   +66 95-654-2939, +66 2-905-1155
Thermometer High Speed MT 200

Thermometer High Speed MT 200

Product/Service Details: Thermometer High Speed MT 200

- Tail of the thermometer made from gold for high precision plus - minus 0.1 only degree Celsius.
- Use the time 10 sec.
- Alarm when measurements finished.
- Tail of the thermometer flexible resilient 45 degree.
- Display is a glitter read in dark and easy carry
by armband thermometer 
- The machine show emblem when measurements wrong method.
- Record last information.
- The machine close automatic when use working.
- The tail thermometer waterproof 100% and can soak alcohol 70% lone 24 hour.
- Guarantee quality throughout working age. 

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Level 2 Saller
Address: 397 Lat Pla Khao Rd., Chorakhe Bua, Lat Phrao, Bangkok 10230 Thailand
Phone:   +66 95-654-2939, +66 2-905-1155
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