Wheelock’s Series CVX/CSX Explosion-Proof Bells have earned the reputation for rugged, reliable performance over years of service in hazardous environments.
Lightweight yet stylish, unobtrusive yet powerful, the L-PJP20A is great for a number of PA & VA applications. It is easy to install, fire-proof and cost-effective.
Take your pick from 6 loudspeakers (available in charcoal or white) for high-quality sound effects across a range of frequencies - from bass to treble. Mounting brackets can be purchased separately fo
System Sensor® SpectrAlert® Advance selectable-output horns, strobes and horn/strobes are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits.
Up to 16 cameras with 720P real time preview | H.264 dual-stream video compression | All Channel 720P real-time record | HDMI / VGA simultaneous video output.