Inkjet Printing Machine
Inkjet Printing Machine
Inkjet Printing Indoor - Outdoor Work Price Rate.
External printing 720 dpi (Out door) By HJ 3200.
Price/Square meter.
1. Opaque Vinyl* 120 Baht
2. Translucent Vinyl 160 Baht
3. White PVC Sticker 200 Baht
4. PVC Clear Sticker 200 Baht
5. Stickers Seethrough 500 Baht
6. Sticker Adhesive Removal 500 Baht
7. Sticker 3M 600 Baht
Printed in high resolution 1200 dpi (In door) By Hp 5500 ps
Price/Square meter.
1. Photo PP (PP Printing Paper) 400 Baht
2. Glossy PP (white shiny paper PP) 400 Baht
3. Sticker PP (PP sticker) 400 Baht
4. Sticker PVC (PVC sticker) 450 Baht
5. Sticker Clear Film (Clear Stickers) 450 Baht
6. Backlit Film (Film Light Box) 500 Baht
7. Sticker Backlit Film
(Sticker Film Light Box) 550 Baht
* Opaque vinyl (lifetime warranty material with color 1 year).
- This price does not include installation.
- Price does not include 7% VAT.
- Free Delivery from 500 baht in Bangkok and its vicinity.
- Send a free country from 2,000 baht or more (or less, the actual delivery charge)