Network Resource Interface The X-NRI/EN Network Resource Interface is the universal interface for Honeywell’s X-618 PAVA system. It offers central interfaces management, making it ideal for middle-to-
HN-IA240 is a high efficient Power/Booster amplifier provides audio signal amplification for public address and voice alarm system, It is reliable,efficient and light in weight
Highly flexible mixer amplifiers are designed for a wide variety of voice and background music applications such as retail shops, restaurants and bars, service centers, houses of worship, warehouseset
The FRM-1 Relay Control Module is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each module is selected using the built-in rotary switches.
The HN-S600P features 3 microphones, 2 auxiliary inputs and 1 line out. It comes with an automated mute function for paging and announcements, as well as individual input gain controls (with master vo